Level 1-Beginner Tango classes Tango Basics: June 2023. 2-Step Walk; 6-Step Basic; 8-Step Basic Front Ochos at Step #2 Left Foot 8 step Basic into Back Crosses Ocho cortado at step #6 of Basic.
level 2: Intermediate Tango classes Theme: Double Time Steps. Side Check steps and Circular ocho cortado The Square U Open Walking Turn w/ Ocho Cortado All steps of the Month Milonga: Front Ochos in Milonga
Specialty Classes: level 2 . Theme: Different Elements. Sacada #1 and Change of Direction For Both External gancho for Both Sacada #1 For both-Alternating Sacadas
level 3: Advanced Tango classes Theme of the month...Musicality and Decorations Rhythmical Decorations Smooth Decorations Triple-Step Amague Counter Boleo Combination Milonga-Counter Back Ochos